Analysis The Retreat by Historical Approach

                            The Retreat
O, how I long to travel back,
And tread again that ancient track!
That I might once more reach that plain
Where first I left my glorious train,
From whence th’ enlightened spirit sees
That shady city of palm trees.
But, ah! my soul with too much stay
Is drunk, and staggers in the way.
Some men a forward motion love;
But I by backward steps would move,
And when this dust falls to the urn,
In that state I came, return.

Henry Vaughan is one of the metaphysical religious authors who lived in the 17th century.  Metaphysical poetry is a form of poetry related to high intellectual and philosophy, which unites observations and feelings of love, and contains human experience, especially regarding the relationship between God and humans.  1655 Vaughan suffers from a prolonged illness that causes a lot of pain, and  at that time in britain there was a royal war. His illness that is facing makes Vaughan interpret this experience as meeting with death, and loaded into the poem "The Retreat" which is proven by the sentence:
 But I by backward steps would move
 And when this dust falls to the urn
 In the state I came back.The poem "The Retreat" was published in Henry Vaughan's Silex Scintillas (1650-1655) considered to be the most biblical of English.  This book opposes the idea not by rejecting it, but asking what it meant in 1650, and trying to restore the historical context.  Although he borrowed phrases from Herbert and other writers and wrote poems with the same title as Herbert, he was one of the most original poets of his time. The public response at the time Vaughan was deeply indebted to George Herbert, who provided a model for the newly established Vaughan spiritual life and literary career, in which he displayed "spiritual acceleration and the gift of friendly feelings" derived from Herbert.
 In these times he showed himself to be different from other poets.  Much of the difference stems from a lack of sympathy for the world around him. During the writing of his literary work, the situation in britain is going on a royal war. The type of historical document that can be analyzed along with the poetry "The Retreat" is   media like websites. The poetry "The Retreat" has a deep meaning. Every sentence, the history that occurs during the work is made to be loaded in a book that can be implemented into the present life that be regilius is very important because when things are good or bad things happen to us as humans should have always entrusted everything to God, and repent to all sins that have been done.
