Analysis of a red, red rose

                                                             A Red,  Red Rose

A Red, Red Rose is a poem by Robert Burns.This poem tells about his feeling that he truly loves someone sincerely under any circumstances. This is evidenced by each verse that is written contains a very deep meaning regarding his feelings. In the first verse "O My Luve's like a red, red rose" likens that the person he loves so much is as charming as a red rose, and has touched his heart to make his love surge. In this sentence, there is the word LUVE not LOVE because Burns is Scottish so that it uses Scottish English, besides that the word luve clarifies Burns's intention that the Love he formed and poured into poetry is a strong affection because of personal interest.  Personal interest is poured into the word RED ROSE, because red rose is used as a symbol to express affection related to romance.  Although the red rose is beautiful, but the stems of this rose are prickly.  This explains if there must be a struggle and courage to pick a beautiful red rose.  Likewise with love, it must be fought under any circumstances.
"That's newly sprung in June" symbolizes the love that surges like a rose that blooms in the summer of June and has a very sweet scent that captivates the heart. "O my luve's like the melodie" likens that the love he feels is very beautiful because there is a comfort. The related tone is likened to comfort so as to produce a melody or harmonious relationship. "That's sweety play'd in tune!" Connects the meaning of the previous sentence into this sentence. Similar to "played" is to run the relationship lovingly so that there is comfort that makes the relationship become harmonious. "As far as thou, my bonnie lass" explained that the love will always be fought for even though long distances are a challenge.  The word BONNIE is a call for loved ones, comes from English scottish, and is a substitute for the word DARLING. "So deep in luve am" explains that a person is already truly in his heart, and no one can replace. "And I Will Love Thee Still, My Dear" clarify that love is a proof and loyalty where burns will always prove to the person he loves that he will always love him in any circumstances. "Till A 'The Sea Gang Dry" clarifies the previous sentence that until the worst situation though he will never leave the person he loves. "Till A 'The Sea Gang Dry, My Dear" clarifies that someone who belongs to believe that Burns will never leave though in the worst state, because she is the one who makes his love bangle, and always stored inside the heart to make Burns willing to sacrifice in any circumstances. "And the rocks melt wi 'the sun" likens the word melt to Burns who has died, making it clear that he will stop fighting and stop loving the girl if the sun is like God taking his life. Everything is clear that each sentence written by Burns contains a very deep meaning and explains the tempestuous feeling to use the figurative hyperbole. This poem is suitable for people who are in love, and really love their partners.  This is evidenced in the first sentence "O my luve's like a red, red rose" because it is very interesting a red rose or someone who has made his love surge, then continued with "So deep in luve am" that his partner was in his heart, continued  with "Till a 'the seas gang dry, my dear" until whenever and under any circumstances will always love her partner.
This is a very awesome poem.
