Quotes from The Book: Dear Alloh aku percaya rencana-Mu
Information of this
Title :Dear Alloh aku percaya rencana-Mu
Author :Nashihatku
Publisher :Salam Books
Published Year :2018
Number of pages :88
ksatria kuat lahir dari tempaan latihan yang terus menerus" (Nashihatku,
->It means that to become a strong and successful person
need to be through various obstacles. The company, hard work and prayer is the
process of length.
roads often lead to beautiful destinations" (Nashihatku, 2018:9)
->It means that we must be able to face various streets
and hurdles that are difficult to achieve success. Failure is the beginning of
the resurrection to achieve success.
propose, god disposes"(Nashihatku,2018:11)
->It means that humans as we are only able to plan and
the final decision is still in alloh.
4."Cinta adalah
kebahagiaan yang luar biasa hingga kau gemetar" (Kahlil Gibran,
->It means that when we really love Allah or the creature
of Allah, we can feel a happiness that makes the heart and the body tremble for
the greatest happiness.
5."Setiap cinta
yang mengakibatkan jauh dari cinta-Nya adalah hukuman, hanya cinta yang membawa
kita pada cinta-Nya itulah yang sejati" (Ibnu Qayyim,2018:27)
->It means that when you love something and it makes you
far away from Allah to break his orders, that is the wrong love, but if you
love something and it makes you getting closer or obedient to Allah, that is
the true love.
6."Wear the
gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life" (Jalaluddin
->It means that whatever we get from Allah, it is a
affection from him. We must always grateful to Alloh that has given all of that
to us.
7."Switch your
mentality from I'm Broken and helpless to I'm growing and healing and watch how
fast your life changes, for the better" (Arabic Proverb,2018:50)
->It means that we must be able to deal with various
problems, failures, even hurt by effort, hard work and capable of rising from
the downturn, until finally living change to be better.
kita cela lambatnya jawaban doa. Padahal telah kita sumbat sendiri jalan
terkabulnya dengan maksiat dan banyaknya perbuatan dosa"(Aidh
Al-Qarni, 2018:59)
->It means that We must be patient waiting for the answer
of every prayer we send up to Alloh, because maybe Allah has not given our
prayers because we have not been fully sincere praying for Allah and the very
bad things we are still doing.
9."Only Alloh
that has control over the kindness and evilness,useful and disadvantage,gift
and refusal,starting and closing,death and life,glory and depravation,also the
wealth and poverty" (Syeikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani)
->It means that Alloh who organizes everything, including
fate, destiny and mate. Alloh who determines both or bad things for us.Alloh
that creates and Alloh will also end.So we have to submit everything to Alloh.
patient,even if every possibility seems closed" (Jalaluddin Rumi,
->It means that we must be patient because allah knows
what we need and what is best for us.
11."I woke up.I
have clothes to wear. I have running water. I have food to eat. Life is good.I
am thankful" (Nashihatku, 2018:75)
->It means that we must be grateful, because being
grateful adds happiness.
12."Dalam soal
agama,pandanglah ke atasmu.Dalam urusan dunia,pandanglah ke bawahmu" (Nashihatku,
->It means that we must make a very obedient person to
Allah as a motivation to get us more and we have to see people who are more
limited and disadvantaged than us who have better fate in the world's business
to be grateful.
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