Get Your Happiness

Happiness is a gift from God. Happiness is also something everyone always wants. Every human being has the right to be happy, and happily we can make it our way, we can even find the source of happiness. Sometimes happy comes from simple things. When we can smile, laugh, be happy and not feel sadness, it indicates that we are happy. We cannot buy happiness with anything. When we are happy, we must always remember Allah who has given us happiness.

"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude"
Denis Waitley

Everyone has a different source of happiness. Everyone has different ways to try to be happy. In my opinion the source of happiness is actually in your heart. If you can accept everything with Ikhlas, then you will continue to try to be happy. Here are some of the ways I ordered to keep trying to be happy:

First, we must always be grateful. My parents always teach thankful for everything. They always say that " If we are always grateful, Allah will add great pleasure ". Always feeling enough for the blessings that Allah has given is one of the main keys to being grateful. More grateful to make our easy pleasure to get .It is a simple sentence that until now they always say to me, and that simple sentence that I always remember when I feel tired or disappointed. It's not easy to try to be grateful when we are disappointed with something, but make sure your heart, everything we get is the best things from Allah.

Second, I always love myself, and you should love yourself. Me time is one of loving yourself, and that is a way to make ourself calm. When I feel bored with everything, then I remember that I need me time. In my opinion there are times when we need to be alone and enjoy relaxing time with ourselves. Spending time doing things that we like, can make the mood back good. Introspection of deficiencies, and being grateful for the excess can make the feeling return. I always feel better by listening to songs that I like, watching movies, shopping, swimming, reading books, eating and cooking. Taking care of yourself and making life enjoy by not always thinking about problems to stress is one of the things that proves that you love yourself.

Third, we should remember that we are so lucky to have people around that always love us. I think Family and best friend are true love. They can make my mood come back again.My opinion, they can make us feel better although we get feeling bad. Why they can make us feel better? Because they are your positive vibes. When you feel the world is unfair, you must remember those who struggle to always make you happy. You must know that they always love you from the past until now. Love those who love you, and do as much as you can.

Fourth, always do good to anyone, always have positive thinking, always try to make peace, be nice, avoid hostility, stay away from problems, create a peaceful atmosphere, and become personal that anyone can trust, especially for the closest person.

Finally, you must be yourself, but try to be a better person. Forget all the disappointments and believe that all have been well planned. Happiness and sadness are trials that we must always live. I can definitely be happy, you can also be happy, and we all need to be happy. For those of you who read this article. I hope my writing can make you feel lucky and happy with your life.

We must be happy dear. Keep spirit everyone.
With love
Lisma Ayu 💛
